Main components:
- old PAD. Pipo M5 in this case,
- HDMI audio splitter (optional),
- DC-DC converter 14-5V,
- HDMI LCD controller board.
Turning an old PAD into an LCD panel is very simple, it is more difficult to do it in the same style in the camper.
First of all, open the PAD case. All of them are assembled on latches.
After the back panel POPs up, pull out the battery carefully.
WARNING: In no case can the battery wires be connected to each other.
In most cases, it must be seen in the LCD display with the model number. In the case of the Pipo M5, this was part number HJ080IA-01E.
Now it is necessary to Google that part number with the added phrase "HDMI controller Board" and there will usually be a lot of suggestions. A good idea is to ask the seller that his Controller model is perfect for the LCD panel. In this case, LCM00700HE080IA-01D was purchased.
In most cases, these modern controllers work with the LCD panels announced for them without any configuration.
Any usable case can be used to enclose the LCD controller, DC 14V-5V adapter and all connected wires. The connector for the power line for the camper's 12 V, connector 5 V from the DC adapter to power the external audio system (optional) was equipped.
Any HDMI source can be in use. Looks like the TV tuner is best for campers, most of them now have a USB port and decoders on a board. If the tuner has no support of some codec, then media can be recorded on a PC with media-recode or ffmpeg packages.
If an external audio system is installed in the camper, an HDMI audio splitter can be used. In this case, the HDMI source is switched to this splitter and the cable from the splitter is connected to the LCD Controller.
That's all, no special tricks, but the life of the old PAD starts again.
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