Electronic assistants for RV* journeys

* RV - Recreational Vehicles (aka Travel Trailers, Toy Haulers, Motor homes, Truck Campers, Fifth Wheel Campers).

A RV it is not only a vehicle, but a home too. Electronic devices are being described here not only collect parameters and control resources of a RV, but more of this, they integrate a RV within an outdoor environment at every new spot.

Now developed

Internet Wi-Fi extender

connects to a (weak) public AP that has or does not have a Captive portal, and provides an Internet connection to the RV's router

Router and AP

organize network for the camper's wired and Wi-Fi devices, with a strong AP that can be accessed at a long distance

Carbon dioxide detector

powers a ventilation fan of a RV regards on CO2 parameters

Microclimate sensor

indicates temperature and humidity within a RV

The indicator of the RV/trailer incline in a parking lot

simplifies the RV/trailer leveling with wedges

White water tank level sensor

monitors the fluid level in a white water tank

Network attached storage (NAS)

collects data from RV's sensors, cameras and distributes them when there is Internet or not

Video recorder and streamer with wired IP camera

records what is inside and/or around a RV

Video recorder and streamer with wired IP camera via Wi-Fi

records what is inside and/or around a RV

Video recorder and streamer with USB camera

records what is inside and/or around a RV

MQTT broker and Bluetooth gateway

makes it easy to integrate electronic assistants
(Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and wired)

Will be soon

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SDR (RTL2832U-based radio)

advanced FM/DAB+/DAB tuner with aerials inputs that switchebled depends on signal power, with the audiophile bypass direct to an amplifier

The windshield display of the real horizont

decreases probability of motion sickness

Recognition the eyes of the RV driver

that he did not fall asleep

Warning messages

send to a phone alarm signs of detectors that may be mechanical for reliability reasons, such as LPG and CO detectors

Emergency beacon

the visual and audio beacon will be activated automatically or by command if any emergency event occurs

Alarm siren horn

the warning siren will turn on by command if some dangerous events occur

Adaptive balancing of the trailer on the way

automatic balancing of the trailer when driving by pumping water between tanks

Wi-Fi antennas

the making, mounting and tuning Wi-Fi antennas for a RV, without the increasing it's height for driving time

Thread IPv6-based Border Router

one more solution to makes adding or removing electronic assistants (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave and wired) easy

Boiler controls

"Long hand" to a boiler's controller panel for turn on/off the boiler manually or by timer; or simple displays the temperature of the water within a boiler

Air heater controls

"Long hand" to an air heater controller panel for turn on/off the air heater manually or by timer

Air conditioner controls

"Long hand" to an air conditioner controller panel for turn on/off the air conditioner manually or by timer

IR spotlights

for strong night visual observation inside and/or around the camper. Spotlights can be turned on/off by script or by command

Freezer controls

to turn on/off the power supply of the freezer manually by command or by timer

The service (leisure) battery check

monitor the service (leisure) battery voltage with a graph of the outcome and discharge forecast. And with the protection of the battery against deep discharge

Car battery testing

provide monitoring of the voltage of the car battery, with the graph of the outcome

Waste water tank level sensor

monitors the fluid level in a grey water tank, with a prognosis of an overflow

Solar system test panel

provides controller functions for solar panels

Meteorological station

displays RV's external temperature, humidity and air pressure

Door sensor

by means of SMS signals about opening of doors

Electromagnetic parking sensor U-301 type

to alert when the RV is on the edge of a collision while parking. Especially for campers on the basis of the trailer. Easy installation

IR universal controller

for control camper's devices that has IR sensors by scripts but not only manually

Automated setting of country code for Wi-Fi

to comply with the regulatory rules about Wi-Fi within countries where journey at this moment, based on GSM data

Camper assistant

the center of automation - controls sensors, manage actuators, shows parameters, run a virtual assistant, runs scripts

HTTP server

the platform for camper's data visualization in graphs, diagrams, charts, etc

Lane Departure Warning

makes loud warning if a trend for a lane departure is noted

Tools to prevent theft of solar panels

calls about such attempts remotely

Geiger counter

the way to avoid a dangerous parking spot

Radon (gas) sensor

the way to avoid a dangerous parking spot

Camper's crew member badge

to change the behavior of electronic assistants of RV depending on the presence of people in it (reduce the power of Wi-Fi radiation, etc)

Car battery watchdog

makes signal about the low car battery, then electronic assistants can reduce the power consumption or can turn off itself

Bluetooth to SMS gateway

provides the SMS transmission service for all electronic assistants, with use one only SIM card

Electromagnetic radiation sensor

the way to avoid a dangerous parking spot where electromagnetic fields (of a cell site for example) is too power

Pet's run off sensor

alarms if a pet walks out for too long distance from a camper

Low light course camera

useful as country roads to some RV-sites are often dimly lit

"Softstart" DC unit

reduce the load on the RV power line when turning on devices with a large current consumption, such as an air conditioner

Tabac smell detector

switch off the camper's ventilation automatically if somebody smokes nearby 

Notebook power adapter

works direct from a car 12/24/48V battery, without an special inverter 

RV's perimeter control system

control dangerous situations and persons nearby a RV, based on cameras' data and AI algorithms

Battery main switch with the power protection controller

easy a RV battery disconnect to assistants when the RV in the interseason standing, and protects assistants from power voltages that may be too high, too low, negative, and from overcurrent faults

Shore Power sensor

send to a phone alarm signs if a shore power discontinued. It is important if a Pet in a camper and a climate systems works with shore power

Controller of a multizonal ventilation system

for more a comfort and less an battery's energy waste

SMS server

allows to request and to receive parameters of the RV without a connection to an Internet cloud


(or iot4camper@gmail.com)

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